Always Scho Up For Yourself

Real Food is the Ticket!

I'm very happy to be helping people on their health journey. The more people I talk to, the more I realize there is more bad knowledge than good out there. So many misconceptions, a little of this is OK when in fact that little of something is doing damage you won't see for 10 years! Foods that are approved for human consumption do not necessarily fight and prevent disease, to the contrary MANY are disease promoting. How do we know the difference? Fortunately there is good information out there and I am devouring it and trying to share it as fast as I can!  The bottom line always, if you aren't sure: don't eat it!  Fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds are all going to aid in your health. No additives in them, no need for processing. Try to use all organic and avoid GMO's and chemicals as best you can.  

I truly look at a lot of food additives like rat poison! We don't eat rat poison because we KNOW it will kill us.... right? So will these additives that...

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