Always Scho Up For Yourself

The truth about Collagen

Why we created a high quality = Superior Collagen Product

**This is why we created a powder in a capsule at Scho Fit Nutrition! It is already measured for you, or you can simply open the capsules and add to coffee or smoothies, etc. AND it is super easy on the go. BAM! 5 types of collagen THAT TRULY WORK… from a company you can trust.  **Be sure to use your discount code if you are a member of one of our programs. Or find an influencer with a code. 

If you walk into any grocery store, Walmart and more you will see Collagen on the shelf. But are they worth it? The sad answer is; 98% of supplements are not what they are claiming to be. And what’s worse is you’ll pay the same for a collagen that only has 3 types, when you need a collagen that has 5 types. 

Then you’ll hear that liquid collagen is better, is this true? 

Here is the info from my research:

Liquid collagen and powder collagen are two different forms of collagen supplements, and...

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