Always Scho Up For Yourself

Shoulder Mobility: The Key to Aging Gracefully and Pain-Free


 As we age, maintaining mobility and functionality becomes paramount for a fulfilling and active life. While we often focus on factors like joint health and flexibility, one crucial aspect that deserves attention is shoulder mobility. The ability to move your shoulders with ease may not seem significant, but it plays a vital role in everyday activities and overall well-being. In this article, we'll explore the importance of shoulder mobility as we age and provide tips on how to maintain and improve it.

Why Shoulder Mobility Matters:

  1. Independence: Shoulder mobility is directly linked to our ability to perform daily tasks independently. From reaching for items on high shelves to getting dressed or grooming, mobile shoulders are essential for a self-sufficient life.

  2. Pain Prevention: Stiff or immobile shoulders can lead to discomfort and pain, impacting your quality of life. Maintaining shoulder mobility helps prevent issues like frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.

  3. ...

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Dangers of Yo Yo Dieting

The average person I talk to has tried 3 to 7 weight loss programs. We don't have to struggle like this. But here is the kicker: this touches on how dangerous losing and regaining weight is. Lets get you to a place where you understand food, how it works, how your body works and why it matters.... and keep the weight off for good.



Losing and regaining body fat repeatedly, often referred to as "yo-yo dieting" or weight cycling, can have various effects on the body. While some people may experience weight fluctuations naturally throughout their lives, frequent and intentional weight cycling can have both short-term and long-term consequences. Here's what happens inside our bodies when we engage in this pattern:

Short-Term Effects:

  • Metabolic Changes: Frequent weight cycling can lead to metabolic changes. When you lose weight, your metabolism may slow down to conserve energy, making it harder to maintain weight loss. When you regain weight, your metabolism may not return...
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Elderberry Immune for Good Immune Function

Use Scho Fit Nutrition Elderberry Immune to help fight the cooties!

Find It Here


Having a strong immune system is essential to being able to fight off disease and infection and stay healthy. Elderberry Immune Support supplement contains 10 of the most popular immunity ingredients. These 10 immune support ingredients are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, zinc, L-glutamine HCL, elderberry extract, echinacea powder, garlic powder, turmeric curcuminoids, probiotics.*

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is an essential vitamin and is well known for working well with other enzymes and solutions. It may assist the body in building new tissue and help fortify the immune system. Ascorbic acid may help strengthen collagen, in synthesizing carnitine, and to support healthy metabolism. It may also help fortify the teeth and bones. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties, and it may support cardiovascular health.

  • Fortify the...
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Breathing Easy: The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise for Lung Health

Breathing Easy: The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise for Lung Health


As we age, our lungs undergo changes that can affect their function and capacity. Maintaining lung health is crucial for overall well-being and maintaining an active lifestyle. Thankfully, cardiovascular exercise offers a myriad of benefits for our lungs, helping us breathe easier as the years go by. In this blog post, we will delve into the remarkable advantages of cardiovascular exercise on lung health, revealing how staying active can be the key to sustaining strong and resilient lungs as we age.

  1. Strengthening Respiratory Muscles

Cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, engages the respiratory muscles and requires deeper and more controlled breathing. As we perform these activities regularly, the respiratory muscles are strengthened, improving their efficiency and overall lung function. This enhanced muscular strength supports optimal oxygen intake and waste...

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The Fountain of Youth for the Heart: The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

The Fountain of Youth for the Heart: The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise


As the years pass, taking care of our heart becomes increasingly important. While aging is a natural part of life, incorporating regular cardiovascular exercise into our daily routine can play a pivotal role in maintaining heart health as we age. The benefits of cardiovascular exercise extend far beyond just weight management; it can be a potent elixir for the heart, helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases and fostering overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the remarkable advantages of cardiovascular exercise on heart health as we age, unveiling the key to a healthier and happier heart.

  1. Strengthening the Heart Muscle

Cardiovascular exercise involves rhythmic, repetitive movements that increase the heart rate and improve blood circulation. Over time, this type of exercise strengthens the heart muscle, making it more efficient at pumping blood throughout the...

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The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise on Brain Health

The Age-Defying Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise on Brain Health


As we age, maintaining optimal brain health becomes increasingly important. The good news is that incorporating regular cardiovascular exercise into our daily routine can be a powerful tool in supporting cognitive function and overall brain health. Not only does cardiovascular exercise benefit our heart and body, but it also yields remarkable advantages for the brain as we age. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating link between cardiovascular exercise and brain health, shedding light on the myriad benefits that can keep our minds sharp and agile throughout the years.

  1. Improved Blood Flow to the Brain

Cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, raises the heart rate, stimulating increased blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This enhanced blood flow delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to brain cells, promoting their optimal function and nourishment....

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Meet Marcy and Change Your Life! We Don't Get Sick Because We Age!

It's time to work with someone that's been in your shoes!

 Not all coaches are created equal!

**See success stories below!

**Fill Out This Form For a FREE Consultation with Marcy!

Hi, friends!

By the grace of God I’m almost 59 and I’m healthy!
If you don’t know my story, here it is! I’m not sharing it to explain myself! (I promise you, at 58… I don’t give a second thought to your opinion of me! The beauty of getting older!!) I’m sharing it because with it I’ve been given the gift to help others get healthy.
I’m not jacked, I’m not ripped, I’m fit and I’m healthy! By a real definition of healthy, which I will explain!
At 49 I became type 2 diabetic , had IBS and terrible arthritic pain, and was Borderline Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and I weighed 60 lbs. more than I weigh now! This happened even with having certifications in health and fitness since I was 18, and doing what I was told by my doctor...

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What's For Lunch - Do You Know The Nutrient Content of What You Eat?


Do you know what is in the foods you eat?

Most of the time you don't and this is why we end up with Inflammation and Disease.

In my program you'll learn what foods to eat and why, and what to never eat and why.

The good news is... you don't have to memorize this, count calories, macros, points, or whatever the heck a lean is supposed to be!!

Want more info?

But what if you can eat foods that fight inflammation?

This is an example of what my clients are taught!

This is my lunch today, 2 quarts of disease prevention!!

What’s in my salad?


So Much More Than a Salad!


Romaine Lettuce


Shredded Carrots



Goat Cheese

Sunflower Seeds

Pine Nuts


Avocado Oil

Balsamic Vinaigrette 

Italian Seasoning;








Romaine lettuce is a popular leafy green vegetable known for its crisp texture and slightly bitter taste. It is low in calories and packed with essential nutrients, making it a healthy...

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Genetics - The Real Story



I often hear from people… but it’s my genetics! Or… You must have great genes!

There has been a lot of research on this, and you don’t need pasta and wine because you’re Italian, just like you don’t need Kielbasa if you’re polish or schnitzel if you’re German! It is a choice, and often an excuse… trust me… I hear it all the time… “but I have to eat this, I’m _________!” What we have to do is decide to use food properly and eat healthfully! Then we can stop dieting for good! Trust me, being off that roller coaster feels amazing! So does no longer counting calories, macros, points or leans! 

What does the science show: Genetic markers only account for less than 3% of the body mass index between people. (1) And… The Fat Gene they now talk about, because everyone wants an excuse….(I even hear coaches talk about it, giving people an out…. cringe!!!) accounts...

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Processed Food is Anything But Healthy!

Today's Teaching:
Hi Friends,
I just finished teaching the last 28 days and made it very clear how dangerous processed foods are. We talk about the what's the why's and the how's of what these foods do, so you have a strong understanding, and will stay away from them. I also use real data and citations to show the research done. The sad thing is... this isn't new science! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HEALTHY PROCESSED FOOD!
There are weight loss companies out there charging  people hundreds of dollars per month for processed weight loss food and they claim it is in the name of better health. This couldn't be further from the truth.
I even know their sales pitch: "You're going to be spending money on food anyway!" "You'll stop going out to eat, this will save you money!" "This will make it more convenient for you!" "You can sign up to sell this and pay for your own food!"
**Friends, I used to own a direct sales company, I know every in and out and I know many ds company...
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