Always Scho Up For Yourself

Genetics - The Real Story



I often hear from people… but it’s my genetics! Or… You must have great genes!

There has been a lot of research on this, and you don’t need pasta and wine because you’re Italian, just like you don’t need Kielbasa if you’re polish or schnitzel if you’re German! It is a choice, and often an excuse… trust me… I hear it all the time… “but I have to eat this, I’m _________!” What we have to do is decide to use food properly and eat healthfully! Then we can stop dieting for good! Trust me, being off that roller coaster feels amazing! So does no longer counting calories, macros, points or leans! 

What does the science show: Genetic markers only account for less than 3% of the body mass index between people. (1) And… The Fat Gene they now talk about, because everyone wants an excuse….(I even hear coaches talk about it, giving people an out…. cringe!!!) accounts...

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New Year New You!

Happy New Year friends!

Many people start the new year with lofty fitness goals, but the key missing is making them health goals!

When we focus on getting healthy we change the dynamic entirely! We change the "why!"  We change the level of importance!

We struggle to reach this level of understanding how important our health is until we have lost it. I am speaking from experience as I most often do. You won't hear me preaching something I read in a book and didn't put to practice! 

Often when we have reached this poor level of fitness we think we can't become healthy again. We think we have to live with the diagnosis. We think we have to live on medication which will only make us worse and create the need for more medication.

It takes 10 years for a health symptom to show, so if you already have a diagnosis, or don't but don't feel energized: what are you doing about it?

Did you ask your Doctor why you have this diagnosis, how it happened, how to fix it? Many don't even...

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