Always Scho Up For Yourself

The Dangers Of Keto

Keto's success and claim to fame was for seizures, and still is. It was never meant to be a weight loss program, and is extremely dangerous to use as such. Be sure to look into all the citing's and if you want to ask questions, please do. I am always happy to help.
If you feel you may have already caused damage to your health by using this or another type of fad diet, let's talk about getting your body on the right track!
So far not a single clinical study has shown a measurable benefit from a ketogenic diet for any human cancer. (1)
Ketogenic diets claim they are "diabetic safe" and able to "reverse diabetes" but what is going on inside the body tells a different story. What's happening is the symptom HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, is being confused with the DISEASE, which is CARBOHYDRATE INTOLERANCE.
People with diabetes can't properly handle carbohydrates , and this manifests as high blood sugars. Sure, if you stick to eating fat, your blood sugars will stay low, but you...

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