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Hemp Hearts! Why you need them!

I love hemp hearts! Of all the seeds I consume daily, hemp hearts are my favorite.

They blend easily into my breakfast recipes, smoothies, salads, and so much more.

Here is a link for a great price on them in bulk.

And here is some real information on why you need them! 

Loaded with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

While fresh fish and seafood are typically the go-to sources for omega-3 fatty acids, hemp hearts deserve to be on the favorites list as well. In just three tablespoons of hemp hearts, you'll get more than double the daily recommended amount of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 that your body can't produce on its own — meaning it needs to be obtained from your diet, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce levels of triglycerides (a type of fat linked with increased risk of heart disease), curb the buildup of plaque in your arteries (which can ultimately lead to a heart attack or stroke), and slightly lower blood pressure, per the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).


Support Good Bone Health

Though it's not the most glamorous benefit of hemp hearts, it is one of the biggest. Just three tablespoons of hemp hearts provide 210 milligrams of magnesium and 495 milligrams of phosphorus, which breaks down to a whopping 68 percent and 70 percent of your recommended daily allowances, respectively, for each of those nutrients.

ICYDK, "magnesium can help in the whole bone equation," says Gans. "We always talk about calcium and vitamin D, but magnesium also plays a role in keeping our bones strong," she adds. In fact, research has found that people who consume more magnesium have higher bone mineral density, which is essential in reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis (a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle).


Likewise, the primary function of phosphorus in the body is to help build and maintain your bones and teeth, according to the NLM. Along with calcium, this essential nutrient forms the tiny crystals that give bones their rigidity, and when dietary intakes of phosphorus are lacking for a prolonged period, bones can actually weaken, per the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.


Help Your Body Convert Food to Energy

You can thank the tiny seed's thiamine and manganese content for this hemp heart benefit. Also known as vitamin B1, thiamine helps your body break down carbohydrates so they can be used as energy, explains Gans. It's also essential for the growth, development, and function of the cells in your body, according to the NIH. Without enough of the nutrient, you can start to experience weight loss, reduced appetite, confusion, memory problems, muscle weakness, and heart problems, reports the NIH. But not to worry, you can snag 35 percent of your recommended daily allowance in just three tablespoons of hemp hearts.


What's more, a three-tablespoon serving of hemp hearts boasts nearly 130 percent (!) of the recommended daily allowance of manganese, a mineral that helps break down the starches and sugar you eat and process cholesterol, carbohydrates, and protein, per the NLM. The nutrient also helps support strong bones, blood clotting, and a healthy immune system. It's the bundle of nutrients you never knew you needed.



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