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3 Of Our Biggest Barriers to Keeping Weight Off

3 Of The Biggest Barriers to Keeping Weight Off

By: Marcy Schoenborn

Maintaining weight loss can be a challenging journey fraught with ups and downs. Despite our best efforts, many of us find ourselves struggling to shed those extra pounds and keep them off in the long term. While there are numerous factors that contribute to this struggle, three significant barriers stand out: misunderstanding how weight loss works, relying on quick fixes, and succumbing to unhealthy splurges.

  1. Misunderstanding How Weight Loss Works

One of the most common barriers to successful weight maintenance is a lack of understanding of the principles behind weight loss. Many people embark on weight loss journeys without grasping the fundamental concepts of sustainable lifestyle changes. Without this essential knowledge, individuals may resort to fad diets or unsustainable tactics that yield short-term results but fail to promote lasting weight management.

The teaching on this simple fact: that weight loss is not going to happen and be maintained while we have an unhealthy cellular system, created by the foods we are currently eating, yo yo dieting and possibly even medications we are taking, or have taken is something that is missing in most programs. 

This can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their diet and exercise habits. 

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  1. Relying on Quick Fixes

In our fast-paced society, the allure of quick fixes for weight loss can be tempting. Pills, supplements, and meal replacement shakes promise rapid results with minimal effort, appealing to those seeking a convenient solution to their weight struggles. While these products may offer short-term benefits, they fail to address the underlying issues contributing to weight gain and are unsustainable in the long run.

We’re told that quick fixes should be viewed as supplements rather than substitutes for a healthy lifestyle. When the simple fact is: they are damaging and ultimately dangerous to our health, physically and mentally.  Without addressing fundamental dietary and lifestyle factors, reliance on quick fixes can lead to frustration, yo-yo dieting, and ultimately, weight regain.

  1. Believing in Deserved Splurges

A common pitfall on the road to weight maintenance is the belief that we deserve to indulge in unhealthy foods as a reward for our efforts or to cope with stress. Whether it's a celebratory meal after hitting a weight loss milestone or turning to comfort foods during times of emotional distress, these occasional splurges can sabotage our progress and undermine our commitment to healthy living.

Another thing we are told by coaches, nutritionists and dieticians with the wrong knowledge is this:

“It's essential to enjoy treats in moderation and allow for flexibility in our diets, consistently indulging in unhealthy foods can hinder our weight loss efforts and perpetuate a cycle of overeating. “

The Facts:

We need to learn to make our treats healthfully, yes it can be done! And it is NOT by creating desserts laden with everything that created your health problems and cellular breakdown to begin with. Desserts CAN be made with healthy ingredients and be delicious. But we’re lied to about what is healthy and what is not.

Instead of using food as a reward, what if we used something else? It might be a book you’ve been wanting, a manicure, a massage, or even a vacation! But think about this: when you reward yourself with the same food that created your problems:  who are you helping? Certainly not yourself. You just took 6 steps forward, why take 3 steps back?

In conclusion, overcoming the barriers to weight maintenance requires a combination of education, patience, and self-awareness. By understanding the principles of weight loss, avoiding reliance on quick fixes, and realizing and putting into practice the lifestyle changes that truly matter and work we can increase our chances of achieving long-term success in maintaining a healthy weight. With dedication and perseverance, anyone can overcome these obstacles and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, happier lifestyle.


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